
Hello everyone!

My friend made a blog about a month ago, so I decided to make my own too. I'm ZeO (this nickname came up from my former  nickname Zealot, which was apparently too long for my friends, so they somehow started to call me ZeO instead...) and I'm a boy living in the Czech Republic , a small country with  beautiful women and the best Beer (yeah, big fat B!) in the world... Anyway, I don't think anyone cares about introductions, so let's skip it and check what will this blog be about.

I'm gonna write (and review) about Anime, Games, Japan, Otaku-culture, some interesting personal stories, and other curiosities which I find interesting to publish. I will also present videos ( AMV - anime music video, GMV - game music video, funny clips, etc. which have something to do with Anime and (or) Games) and also my own videos and drawings (don't expect it very often - I don't have that much time).

If you're an Otaku, or you just like Anime, Games, Japan and similar stuff, be sure to follow me. I hope you will enjoy reading this blog !


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